How TeachMe.To uses The Starters to find top talent

TeachMe.To use The Starters to find paid media managers, content writers, and video editors in a matter of days.


Faster hiring


OPEX Savings

<24 Hrs

Time to Hire
A conversation with:
Nick O'Brien
CEO, TeachMe.To

The Problem

TeachMe.To makes it easy for beginners to learn any sport by connecting them to top coaches via their online marketplace.

Their CEO, Nick O’Brien, had historically used LinkedIn job posts, Twitter, and staffing agencies to find & hire freelance talent, but struggled to find top quality applicants and an affordable rate.

Nick also realized that the top marketers weren’t actively applying to open roles— they had to be recruited, but staffing agencies were charging tens of thousands of dollars to place each role.

“Great marketers often aren't applying to jobs.” - Nick O.

The Solution

After Nick discovered The Starters, he immediately used it to find & hire several roles, including Paid Social Marketers, Video Editors, and Content Writers

He particularly loved the platform’s pricing model, subscription flexibility, quality of talent, and highlighted case studies.

He’d use the platform to reach out to 3-4 freelancers per role he was hiring for, interview them, then make a hiring decision. 

It was the perfect fit for what he was looking for— easily accessible, quality talent, at affordable rates. 

The Results

Nick noted hiring on The Starters was 10x easier than using any other hiring platform for fractional work.

On average, it took less than 1 day to get connected with talent he was interested in working with— infinitely faster than using job posts or other hiring platforms.

One hire in particular— Ed, a video editor, drove immense value for the business, and they still work with him several months later.

“The time The Starters saved me in finding someone like Ed is infinite— I don’t think I would’ve found him without you guys”.

Nick continues to use The Starters for his fractional hiring needs, and recommends that other early stage entrepreneurs do as well.

“The affordability, flexibility, and value The Starters delivers makes it a no-brainer for entrepreneurs to hire from.”

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